Thursday, December 8, 2011

How Much is Enough to Give to Christ?

One of the questions that I have been struggling with recently is, "How much is enough to give to God?"  God asks for everything, absolutely all of ourselves to give to Jesus.  The answer I give, and most other Christians I know, is "I give all of myself over to you Lord - of course!"  But really, when we say we give all of ourselves over to Christ, do we really do so?  Do we give all of our time, all of our energy, all of our life over to God?  Do we leave nothing out, abandoning job and security when God calls, do we give all of our thoughts over to Christ, all of our entertainment/relaxation time over to God?  Or do we hide some things in secret, lose track of God during the day outside of our devotional periods, do we worship God in Church and walk out the door and forget?

Don't get me wrong.   There are times when we can relax and enjoy the good things God brings us in life, including entertainment like sports, movies, music, and video games.  But even during those periods of relaxation, our minds should wander and dwell on Christ...but most times when we are supposed to be devoted to Christ, our minds wander to what we do while we are relaxing!  Instead, let our minds wander continually to God - may our concentration on entertainment or work break and allow thoughts of praise, thanksgiving, worry, concern, or pleas for help rise to Jesus!  "How much is enough to give to God?"  Nothing less than everything...and I think we spend most of our Christian lives arriving at the place where we give absolutely all to Christ!

"Lord, may all my life, all my thoughts, all my love be yours forever!"

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