Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Cultivating Life with God

One of the challenges I find in life is the multitude of activities to do and choices to make.  Each choice made has a corresponding consequence or can shift life in new directions, closing some doors and opening new doors.  With the massive amount of things which occupy my time (work, friends, family, church work, hobbies, chores, and other) , I have trouble keeping my eyes fully fixed on Christ.  I feel bad if I don't do devotions as I should, or if I say "no" to some volunteer activity, or if I am not volunteering outside of normal activities.   I feel badly because I know that if I cut out some hobbies, or some rest time, I would be able to serve more or be with God more.

However, I must always be careful about this feeling.  There is definitely something to be said about a life of simplicity, of not becoming so involved in this world (including volunteer activities!) that we miss spending time with God, family, and periods of rest.  A life of simplicity can also assist us with being servants of God by giving time and space for God to send people our way unexpectedly - and we can say "yes" to this unplanned ministry because we leave space in our lives for God to direct us.

I do not mean to say all of my hobbies or activities are bad, or shouldn't be done, but perhaps I should choose carefully what I do in my free time - making sure to leave room for God, for service, and especially for rest and rejuvenation.  In a world that says, "work hard and play hard," we need to take to simply be and wait for God.

"Lord, help me to be with you, both while I'm busy and in time set aside just for you."

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