Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is an amazing day. Taking time to be thankful and expressing gratitude to God for life is incredible and important...not something that should just be done once a year, but everyday of the year. In today's era, thanksgiving usually involves feasting on food, whether large or small portions, spending time around the table and in the living room, and in general giving thanks to God and to those around us for life.

The most important aspect of thanksgiving is spending time with family - those people in our lives who shape us, support us, love us, and who make life ...well life. God and family are the ingredients that makes thanksgiving joyous and wondrous. They make it special. They remind us to give thanks and be grateful for what we have.

I have much in my life to be grateful for. The Holy Trinity - Father, Son, Holy Spirit, who never cease to amaze me in their love, mercy, grace, blessing, and perseverance. My family, especially my parents and sister, without whom I would never be the man who I am today. My friends who I consider family members - those steady rocks whom I continually lean on. My wider circle of friends, with whom life would be much duller without. My mentors and pastors, professors and counselors, through whom the Lord has worked wonders. My church, whose love and bountiful grace pours out continually.
And again, I am thankful for Jesus, the one who is there day in and day out, who was slain on a cross and rose again so that we might have life.

"Lord, thank you...for simply being you. Thank you for family, friends, mentors and teachers, church and blessing. And thank you..for Jesus. Thank you for the Holy Spirit. Amen."

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