Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Journey and the Destination

Which is more important? The destination or the journey? The goal or the means by which we get to that goal? Is it how we go about doing something or just the fact that something is done that counts?

In our journey's with God, it matters how we go about doing something... and it also matters about the destination. It matters that we enjoy life, stop to smell the coffee (and the roses), to take in beautiful sunrises and sunsets, to stare into the eyes of the ones we love, to spend time with family and friends, to work hard as we earn a living. It also matters that we focus on the goal: eternal life with God, our one true love.

So what does it mean to enjoy the journey while pressing on toward the goal? The first and only way to enjoy the journey is to enjoy life with God...the relationship that is our destination is also the means to enjoying the way to that destination. The second piece of this way is to love our families, friends, neighbors and enemies - something that can only be done wholesomely with God. The third piece of this way is to love life itself - not things of the "world" but to simply enjoy the time we have in the place we are with the people we are around.

This life is the only one we have...and it passes us by without us being able to regain a single moment. We progress steadily towards our destination on a journey that can be enjoyed but never redone. But it is also hard, with rough spots, holes in the road that can trip us up, false paths, and dangerous detours. We can get too focused on the journey, on the moment, on the splendor that God has created for us, which is why we must keep our eyes on the destination so that we may gain the ultimate prize. Life is a balance between this world and the next, the journey and the destination. The way to maintain this balance is also both the means for the journey as well as the goal: a relationship with Jesus Christ.

"Lord, help me to love you, enjoying the journey of life with you while honing in on the prize that is eternal life in your presence."

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