Friday, January 10, 2014

The Darkwash Letters (In the manner of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters)

*See previous post (1/9/2014) for explanation of these types of blog posts, if needed*

Dear Featherfear,
            You wrote in your previous letter that you were seeking advice on what the Lowerarchy's policies were regarding this new age of electronics.  My my, Featherfear, being sent back to the field really reveals your ignorance doesn't it?  How does it feel to once more know that all the pressure is on you to perform, that one mistake will mean you will be devoured as quickly as the people whom we tempt and conquer?  Have you tasted your first lick of fear being in the field once again?

            Depressingly, the age into which you tempt is one of the easiest in which to seduce people into your arms.  Like all things, electronics are neither good nor bad and can be used by the Enemy just as effectively as by us.  However, we have seen our greatest triumphs in that deplorable United States through the use of entertainment than ever before!

            It has been the policy of the Lowerarchy to keep our sheep in front of the TV as much as possible.  In fact, make them spend all their days in front of it, flipping from one channel to another while not enjoying a moment, watching countless re-runs of shows they have already seen, ingraining in them the most absurd concepts of life as possible.  Yes, the TV is the most brilliant (I use this term loosely of course) invention (and again, used loosely - nothing is ever really invented) ever made by these people!  Properly handled, it can become the best anesthesia to quietly and gently lead your food down into the buffet-line of our Father's house. 

            TV deadens their ability to think clearly, occupies much of their time with a fruitless and decaying parade of unrealistic nonsense, of giving them such a taste for the unreal that the unreal begins to become real!  Reality TV shows were some of the best efforts of our Under-Development Department.  Reality indeed!  If they ever got a taste of the real reality which we dine in, or of that fake Enemy which causes us to tremble and grovel, they would never again watch Reality TV!  And yet, even in the newness of this electronic age, we have flocks of people steadily moving towards our buffet line by nothing more than preventing them from doing anything with their minds or bodies besides sit in front of the TV!

            This whole game really depends on keeping your charge fixated on the idea that they have "their time" at the end of the work day, that in fact there is "nothing else to do" with their time and "no other good way to rest" besides turning on the TV.  The Enemy will propose a counter-task of course.  You can tell because they will start to look at things around them in a foggy sort of haze indicating their dull brains are trying to assess what else could or should actually get done.  Their gaze may cross the stack of books sitting not six inches from their hand, to the stack of bills on the table, to the garbage that needs to be taken out, to the window where they can still see that wretched ball of fire planted in the sky. 

            The trick is to always bring it back to the TV.  Take note over what their gaze lingers on- if it is their books, place into their minds that the lighting isn't too good right now, best save that for another day.  If their gaze lingers on the stack of bills or garbage, instill in them the thought of "this wretched stuff is taking up my time! Best do it quickly and get back to the chair where I can relax." That way, even if they do what is "productive" by their standards, we can cultivate a beautiful since of resentment towards "productivity," thereby creating the pattern of doing chores as fast as possible in order to get back to "relaxing." 

            Finally, the last save attempt is always to mention how nice it would be to save such a delightful activity for tomorrow, when they're more relaxed to enjoy it.  Nevermind the fact that tomorrow will have the same struggles and stress as today, nevermind the fact that tomorrow is never quite reachable.  Nevermind the fact that saving something productive for tomorrow still means that little will be accomplished today.  Keep them in the endless rotation of this thinking as they lean on TV to occupy their time more and more and your charge will never reach the Enemy's shore,
                        Your Affectionate Lowerior,

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