Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Darkwash Letters (In the manner of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters)

*See previous post (1/9/2014) for explanation of these types of blog posts, if needed*

Dear Featherfear,
            You wrote in your lousy hand that you had only managed to get your charge to watch TV an hour every few days.  You imbecile!  The key is to lead him into the extreme!  If he watches in moderation, you are allowing him to indulge in a pleasure of rest, instead of the engorgement that is required to ruin the pleasure and for you to dominate his future.  I'll need a report of what he is watching immediately, as well as how much progress you are making in leading him into obsessive TV watching.

            See, our Under-Development Department has, since the dawn of time, taken the idea of pleasure and twisted it in order to destroy what the Enemy has given these hairless monkeys with that horrific smile on His face.  Indeed, we simply rotate what we give an extreme-overabundance of or an extreme scarcity of, shifting cultural standards so that there is never "just enough" but always too much or too little.  In the United States, we have taken what was a (oh what's the word they - but that's utter nonsense, everything costs something!) and implemented instead the idea that it is their right to have an extreme over-abundance of whatever they desire!  Greed was ever our tool and plan with this nation, and look how far we have come! 

            We started with what the Enemy provided them with: food.  Indeed, we have cultivated this to the point where nearly two-thirds of the population lack the brain filter and will-power to know when to stop eating!  All it takes is a friendly relative, or a good-intentioned fellow to offer, "Here, have a bit more, I'll be insulted if you don't take some more, no, really, what am I to do with all the leftovers!"  We have kept from them at all cost the idea of giving some to a neighbor in reasonable amounts, or taking some to those in need, but instead preached to them en masse the biblical notion of manna "take enough for today and leave none for tomorrow."  Nevermind the fact that this was meant to give those desert-dwellers "just enough;" we have instilled in them the notion that it is their duty to eat themselves to death in order to leave "none for tomorrow."

            At the present time, people eat their way into heart-attacks, diabetes, and cancer all because we give them too much of what most of the world never has enough of: food!  You see Featherfear, the extreme is what counts when you tempt - always bring them into the extreme.  This same extreme must be instilled in them for everything they do, especially TV watching.  Slowly take them from a half hour a day to an hour a day, then to two hours a day, then to three hours a day.  Create in your charge the sense that "just one more show" will not affect the outcome of the day - work with another tempter to have a friend suggest several shows with the comment "You HAVE to see this show!" Eventually, instead of watching "just enough" to relax with a pleasure that could be gained from a single show, bring them to the extreme where your charge only watches TV for pleasure.  This will simultaneously make the TV their crutch activity for "pleasure" while destroying any sense of what other activities might be done for "pleasure." 

            What sort of friends is your charge hanging around and what do they do?  Any chance you can get him eating in front of the TV?  Combining the two is such a delight,
                                                                                                            Your Affectionate Lowerior,

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