Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Struggling with Scripture #2: Romans 8:28

In my last post, I shared my perspective of life, particularly what we as Christians have control of in life - our own actions, whether initiating or reacting.  I also stated that I believe the only one who has the world "in hand" is God.  However, I do not mean that I think God controls everyone like a master puppeteer, or that God controls everything that happens in the world.  No, God allows life to happen, acting and reacting to events and free will in a similar fashion that humans do.  The question I then ask is this:  "How do I have hope in hopeless situations?  Will life get any better if God isn't controlling what's going to happen next?!"

Romans 8:28 is one answer to that question, but is also a passage of Scripture I struggle with deeply.  Romans 8:28 states, as a matter of fact, that "We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose" (NRSV).  What does this mean?  To me, it means that all things, good or bad, normal or weird, splendid or terrible, will somehow accomplish God's purposes for good for those who love God...whether it's immediate, ten years down the road, or in eternity. 

But how can I say this? How can I believe that all things will work together for good when someone's child dies?  When a grandparent passes away?  When cancer begins to eat at the body?  When someone is left naked and beaten in a strange place, being kidnapped, raped, and sold into child slavery?  How can these things ever work together for good for those who love God?

We know that God has the world in hand; though God does not cause evil things to happen to people that God can still weave together a beautiful life tapestry out of those evil things for those who love God.  Sometimes, when the tapestry is our lives, we may not think it's beautiful - ever.  We may struggle with what happens to us or what we have done for our entire lives.  Yet, all lives lived with God in love are beautiful...and somehow God will work the evil strands of our tapestries into one marvelous work.  How?  I cannot say...but I hope and trust in God.

"Lord, may I hope and trust in you, even when evil things happen, because I know all things work together for good for those who love God...somehow.  May I trust in you."

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