Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Life of Intention

"It was this...intention that made the primitive Christians such eminent instances of piety, that made the goodly fellowship of the Saints and all the glorious army of martyrs and confessors.  And if you will here stop and ask yourself why you are not as pious as the primitive Christians were, your own heart will tell you that it is neither through ignorance nor inability, but purely because you never thoroughly intended it." - Williams Law, A Serious Call to a Devout and Holy Life, found in Richard Foster, Life With God (New York, NY: 2008), p. 55.

I always wonder, how much do I truly intend to do the things I do?  When I intend to work out by stepping outside of my room and into the main room of the apartment and I turn on the DVD player and P90X, I have pretty much conquered the desire to not work out and committed to the desire to work.

Living for God seems to be the same way.  Days that I intend to pray I take a moment to sit down and pray.  Those days in which I battle a desire to not pray and those days in which I simply, "don't feel like it" or don't have the time, I find that I do not pray because I began the day not intending to pray at all.

Am I truly committed to becoming perfect as my heavenly Father is perfect?  Or did I never intend to strive for such heights from the beginning?  This is a question I must challenge myself everyday...

"Lord, help me to be intentional in living for you, each and everyday."

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