Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Theology for Living #1: Choice

I have an odd habit of naming different periods in my life under three varying labels: I am "In Control" or life is "Spinning Out of Control" or I have "Lost Control."   These three categories have many synonymous phrases which help illuminate them, such as "life is going well" or "I need to get a grip" or  "Life is falling down around me." 

Yet, as a Christian, I proclaim that all of these labels and categories are simply faulty ways of looking at the world.  In fact, God is the only one who has the world in hand, and even then not every molecule is controlled by God!  Life, for the most part, just happens...for better or for worse.  Car batteries die, jobs are lost, jobs are gained, cars are fixed.  Relationships are made, relationships are broken, the sun goes up, and the sun goes down.

Sometimes we are forced into terrible predicaments brought on by other humans or nature - such as being raped, or being beaten to a pulp, or being very sick.  Other times, life goes on "as normal" until an amazing, or a horrendous, event turns our lives around and reshapes our perspectives and ways of thinking.  Most of life...simply happens without us asking for it to happen, without us liking what happens, and with us praying for life to change.

We, as Christians, are not in control of life.  So what are we in control of? What can we gain control of?  The answer is this: ourselves.  We control how we act in life and how we respond to life when life happens to us.  One day, we will be held accountable for every choice we make and action we take.  There isn't always one right answer, but there is always one right question: "Am I acting as Christ Himself would act?"

Let's take a moment together and breathe...breathe a deep breath before we speak a word, take an action, or respond to a situation.  Let's think about what Christ would do...for ultimately we cannot control what life does or brings to us, but we can choice how we will act and respond in the midst of those situations.

"Lord, help me surrender to your will, so that I may act and respond like you."

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