Mennonites believe that the Church is an assembly of those
who have accepted the offer of salvation through Jesus Christ who are then a
part of a new and distinct community called disciples, witnessing about the
reign of God, accountable to one another, a family united under the headship of
Jesus expressing itself in continual love, the visible manifestation of Jesus
It's amazing how often we "get church wrong." Stories are pretty much boundless about the
hurt and grief people experience in church.
We hear about churches where pastors molest children; where people are
"cast out" and abandoned because of sin (when actually that is when
people need the most help and love!); where strict codes and interpretations
are enforced instead of being lead by Jesus' transforming grace and love. As Perry Noble, pastor of NewSpring church
says (paraphrased) "Church is the only army that shoot their own
It's striking that a body of people who are supposed to be
forgiving, sacrificing themselves for one another, defined by hope, faith, and
love, can be so unforgiving, so hurting, so sinful. Yet, it should not come to us as a surprise,
as church is made up of people who are broken, sinful, and hurting themselves. The sick are who Jesus calls to himself - so
it is no surprise that the church is filled with those who are sick!
The Mennonites have worked hard, and continue to work hard,
to grow and define themselves in church by love. I, and we, confess that we still "get it
wrong." But the first step is
always to admit there is a problem (such as sin) and that we are continually
haunted by it, though we are saved by Jesus.
Our eyes are on Jesus though, and we pursue and walk after him as one -
a people witnessing to the saving grace of Jesus, not admitting perfection in
ourselves; a family who loves one another, but also struggles as any family
does; a people willing to forgive, who are also in need of forgiveness; a
people loving and learning to love each and every day. This is the church of Christ.
Want to learn more?
Here is Article 9 of the Mennonite Confession of faith:
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