Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Confession of Faith: Creation and Calling of Human Beings

Mennonites believe that God created human beings in the divine image, given a special place among God's creation.  They were created good, for the purpose of stewardship, with the intent of living in loving relationships that are mutually helpful to each other (and equal).  God as made provision for the salvation of humanity and the redemption of creation, particularly through Jesus Christ, who is the fullness of God revealed and in whom we find true humanity.

It's interesting to find that today we have (in the USA) the most "liberated" humans.  We strive for equality between genders, struggle against racism, work against present day slavery (sex trade), and look out for human rights.  Yet, we are also aware of  the US and US businesses exploiting the rest of the world.  Instead of being people we are consumers, instead of children of God we are work-horses, instead of individuals we are another sale...and this is in the places of "privilege."   In other places in the world, humans become simply another person to abuse through sweatshops, simply another prostitute, simply another thing

The world does not consider humans very valuable, whatever human activists say.  Masses of people are meant to serve the desires of the select few; masses of people never have a face, only a soundless roar ; masses of people are never related to, only thought about in the abstract.

And the Mennonites say, "our identity as human beings rests in God made in the image of God, in whom we find our true humanity."  Humans have a purpose, a name, a story; humans in need are to be helped; those who have much are to share; those who have nothing are to receive; all are to be loved.  Created from dust and destined to be like God...this is the calling of human beings.

Want to learn more? Here is Article 6 of the Mennonite Confession of faith:   http://www.mennoniteusa.org/about/confession-of-faith-in-a-mennonite-perspective-1995/confession-of-faith-%E2%80%94-article-6/

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