Monday, November 4, 2013

Confession of Faith: God

In the Mennonite confession of faith, there is no discussion about classical philosophy (you won't find words like "immutable or omni-[insert characteristic here]" in the confession of faith), but about a person.  We believe that God is Holy Trinity: Parent, Son and Holy Spirit, creator of all things, caller of human beings, offering redemption to all of humanity through Jesus Christ, Son of God/Man, sustainer of the church.  We believe God surpasses all human understanding, but has revealed God's self to us.  God is love; in awesome glory, in enduring compassion, sovereign power, unending mercy, abounding grace, wrath against sin, God is love.

The way we view God matters for today - as A.W. Tozer writes in Knowledge of the Holy, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us" (pp 1). In many ways, we model our actions after who we think God is.  If we think, "God bless America," then we support the USA in whatever wars it undertakes in order for her to maintain her power.  When we see "In God we trust" on the back of US money, we may think that since we trust in "God" that God supports America in all her endeavors. 

Into this mindset, we see the Mennonites proclaiming "God is love and shows it perfectly in all characteristics."  I wonder...what if the first thing we thought of when we thought of God was perfect love?  What would we look like if we modeled ourselves after this love?

Next: Article 2 - Jesus Christ

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