The Mennonites believe Scripture. We believe that Scripture, both the Hebrew
(or Old) Testament and the New Testament, are inspired by the Holy Spirit for
"instruction in salvation and training in righteousness" (Confession
of Faith). We believe that all the many
very smart scholars, text critics, text copiers, and compilers were inspired by
the Holy Spirit throughout the ages (basically the process by which Scripture
is formed was inspired). We acknowledge
the Scripture as authoritative source and standard for faith and life and that
all things need to be tested and corrected by the light of Scripture.
The Bible is the essential book of the church. Some Christians believe that the Bible is
inerrant, or completely without error, perfect, and as if God had spoken every
word of the Bible to humans to write down.
We don't take it that far, for there is no need to. When God spoke, he did so through a living
word, named Jesus Christ (Jn 1).
Some Christians(?) believe the Bible is riddled with errors, nonsensical
stories, and myths which make it useless.
Into this perspective we proclaim the Bible as authoritative truth
through which God continues to speak.
Into a world which finds all perspectives and views on truth
equal, as if truth was a buffet restaurant from which we pick our favorite
ones, the Mennonites proclaim Jesus: Jesus who is revealed in the Gospels,
Jesus in the prophets, Jesus in the epistles, Jesus at creation. Jesus is truth...and we can find Jesus
revealed in the Bible. Read it, eat it,
sleep with it... Scripture is the book of the church.
Want to learn more?
Here is Article 4 of the Mennonite Confession of faith:
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